This year our focus is to Hear Him as we walk in the Light of Christ by following suggestions and setting individual goals in these five special areas:
- Study and Live the Doctrine of Christ
- Serve Others
- Share the Gospel
- Attend the Temple
- Seek Education
We can draw closer to our Savior as we take daily steps towards Him. By setting specific, measurable, achievable goals that help us Hear Him as we walk in the Light of Christ we grow personally. As we do, we can use the unique talents, skills and special experiences we have been blessed with to love, lift and serve others. As we set and accomplish our individual goals, we are building the kingdom of God. The Walk in the Light of Christ app will also keep you up to date with Area Focus events and send gentle reminders to encourage you with your goals.
The following updates have been added to the app:
- Newsroom RSS feed
- Kid's Section including fun General Conference interactive games
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