During the October 2021 General Conference weekend, President Russel M. Nelson invited members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to “counter the lure of the world by making time for the Lord… each and every day”.
Amidst the whirl of information, social engagements, family and secular commitments, and entertainment, there can be times when prioritising spiritual things feels like a challenge.
Here are some suggestions to help you follow the Prophet’s counsel to make time for the Lord every day…

1. Create a routine for gospel study
Make the Lord part of your daily life by setting aside time to study His teachings. You might choose to set your alarm just a little earlier to make time for a few verses of scripture, or perhaps listen to a general conference talk on the morning commute to work. Follow the guidance of the Spirit as you consider ways to prioritise gospel study during your day.

2. Work towards or participate in priesthood ordinances
Strengthen your spiritual foundation by considering ways to better prepare for participation in priesthood ordinances. Complete family history work, plan a temple visit, or consider how to make your experience with the sacrament more meaningful.

3. Take time away from social or other media
Take time away from the distracting stream of digital updates by powering down devices or setting time limits on your social media and other apps. You might also think of ways to make the media you consume more uplifting, like creating a playlist of inspiring music, following positive accounts on social media, or placing images of Christ or the temple in prominent locations around your home or the backgrounds of devices.

4. Develop Christlike attributes
Make time for the Saviour every day by studying His attributes and putting in effort to develop them in your own life. Perhaps you could seek out service opportunities, search for things to be thankful for throughout your day, or apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ more fully in your life.

5. Find moments of stillness
Seek opportunities to receive promptings from the Holy Ghost by finding moments of stillness during your day. Try meditating, journaling, going for a walk in nature, or switching off the radio on a long drive. President Nelson promised that the Saviour will “lead and guide you in your personal life if you will make time for Him in your life – each and every day”.
Share with us how you make time for the Lord daily.