Both young and old members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Kaikohe Chapel, on Saturday 20th September 2014.
Representatives of the Kaikohe Christian Forum, Mike Shaw, Pastor Nicholus, Heather Aryton, and Ministers Peter Ngaera and his wife, were among guests. Visitors also travelled from Auckland, Hamilton and Australia. President Wikaira, 2nd Counsellor in Kaikohe Stake Presidency presided at the event.
Mrs Sally Macauley, Deputy Mayor of the Far North District Council and guest speaker, said, “Your beloved chapel built so many years ago, today still stands solid and most elegant in Northland. A building of which we in Kaikohe are so proud.” She attributed her interest in politics to her positive association and friendship with, Doctor Paewai, one of the many Church pioneers involved.
Patriarch Les Going, of Maromaku Ward commented, “We owe much to the Church Labour Missionary Programme,” acknowledging hours of voluntary service by all who contributed their time and energy. The cost of building the chapel was £5,800. Payment of 10 shillings was earned for a week’s work. “Farmers, drain layers, fencers, bush men, business men, professionals from the area, and even school children, worked day and night. The women provided food for the labourers, and fishermen in Matauri Bay were known to deliver the workers a Friday meal of freshly caught shoal,” Sally Macauley said.
Patriarch Walter Fell of Brisbane, Australia made the trip to join the celebration. “Kaikohe is a special place for me and my family – it’s where we started. Such strengthening faith and progress was made during those years.” He attended with his sons Paul and daughter Teddy. Labour Missionary Charlie Tipene, age 80 years shared his early experiences as a building apprentice, beginning with pushing a wheel barrow for 8 months, then using a hammer for 4 weeks, serving as a foreman in Dannevirke for 12 months and then further experience in Rotorua, Kawarau and finally the Kaikohe Chapel. He agreed, that it was because of the local’s faithfulness that the Kaikohe Chapel became a reality and blessing for all its members, as well as its community.
President Wikaira, in the Kaikohe Stake Presidency said, “It is a day of spiritual reflection and appreciation, for the faith, sweat and tears spent by the Latter-day Saints of our area, 60 years ago. Willing hearts and hands were enlisted to progress the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, providing a place for his people to gather and worship. Today 60 years later, the chapel stands as a monument of enduring faith and strong foundations.”
Some of the day’s highlights included beautiful choral music, a slide presentation, pictorial displays and a timeline from 1890 to the present, sharing memories and the magic of the day with friends over lunch.

L-R: Labour Missionary Charlie Tipene, Patriarch Walter Fell visiting from Australia and Brother and Sister Snow.

Kaikohe Chapel 1964.

Wall Displays

Kaikohe NZ Stake 2014-11 Wards and Branches.

L-R: Nancy Kelleher, President Shane Wikaira-2nd Counsellor Kaikohe Stake Presidency, Peter Harris and Jake Tipene.

Charlie Tipene sharing memories.

L to R: Labour Missionary Charlie Tipene, Patriarch Leslie Going, Sally Macauley-Deputy Mayor of Kaikohe and Arta Harris.