Child Protection - New South Wales

Sydney Temple

Apply for a Working With Children Check

Link to online application page (

Reporting Abuse to NSW Authorities

  • Department of Family and Community Services
    • General Public line (24 hours) 13 21 11
    • Mandated Persons line (24 hours) 13 36 27

Any person in NSW who believes that a child is being or may be abused or neglected may call 13 21 11 or, in an emergency, the police (000). A reporter of child abuse who acts in good faith is protected from liability.

NSW law — Duty to Report Child Abuse Offence

Any adult who knows or believes or reasonably ought to know:

  • That a child abuse offence has been committed, and
  • Knows or believes that they have information (first obtained after 31 August 2018) that might be of material assistance to the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of the offender, and
  • Who fails without a reasonable excuse to bring that information to the attention of the police, is guilty of an offence. Penalty 2 years imprisonment. 
  • (Crimes Act 1900, s316A –