Child Protection - Northern Territory

Child Protection - NT

Working with children clearance: apply and renew

Link to online application form (

Reporting Abuse to NT Authorities

  • Department of Health and Families
    • Child Protection Hotline (24 hours) 1 800 700 250

You may call the Hotline 24 hours a day or, if an emergency, the police (000). A voluntary reporter who acts in good faith is protected from liability.

NT law — Everyone must report child abuse.

NT law states that if any person believes on reasonable grounds that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer harm or exploitation (physical, sexual, emotional, or mental abuse or neglect), the person must report it immediately to the police (000) or NT Child Protection Hotline (tel. 1800 700 250), including why they believe it and on what information or grounds they form that belief. Failure to do so is an offence. Maximum penalty: $31,000. (Care and Protection of Children Act, s26 –

NT law — Bishops and Branch Presidents must advise members working with children of their duty to report. 

It is also an offence if you as a priesthood leader do not ensure that everyone whom you call to work with children is aware of the foregoing duty to report child abuse. Maximum penalty: $31,000 and 2 years imprisonment. (Care and Protection of Children Act, s30 -