Child Protection - South Australia

Child Protection - South Australia

Child Safe Environments Statement

The Child Safe Environments Statement is a reference document required by SA law and briefly describes the child protection policies and procedures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Link Child Safe Environments Statement (PDF).

Vulnerable-Person-Related Employment Screening

Link to online application form (

Reporting Abuse to SA Authorities

Department for Education and Child Development

Child Abuse Report Line (24 hours) 13 14 78

Any person in SA who believes that a child is being or may be abused or neglected may call the SA Child Abuse Report Line (tel. 13 14 78) or, in an emergency, the police (000). A reporter of child abuse who acts in good faith is protected from liability.

SA law — Member’s duty to report child abuse

If a member:

  • Has any calling in the Church or a ministering assignment, and
  • Suspects on reasonable grounds that a child has been or is being abused or neglected, and
  • The suspicion is formed in the course of the Church calling or assignment

The member must report it as soon as practicable to the Child Abuse Report Line (tel. 13 14 78). Failure to report is an offence. Maximum Penalty of $10,000. (Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, s31 -