Recommended Therapists
Susan Reynolds
Fee on referral
Mobile: 021958107
Specialty Area: TBA
Other Useful Agencies and links
Anglican Care Centre
Location: 1 Mill Rd, Regent, Whangarei 0112
Phone: 09 437 6397
Available for all ages - reduce your stress; improve your relationships; develop your sense of well-being; plan and set goals; develop coping skills. Areas of work include – depression, anxiety, relationship issues, abuse, grief, phobia, PTSD, anger, self-esteem, life transitions, boundaries, communication.
Supervision provides a structured relationship where a person can reflect critically on his/her work with the assistance of a trained Supervisor.
Financial Mentoring
A free service, working with you to - prepare a budget and cash flow; detail your income and expenditure; manage debts and arrears; prioritise spending; monitor your expenses; inform and action your entitlements and rights.
Short courses run throughout the year – Senior Chef (cooking and nutrition for over 65’s), Money Conversations; Grief Group, Boundaries; Healthy Relationships, Changes that Heal.
Seniors Community Worker
Helping people over 65 live independently, by facilitating access to the support they may need in the wider community.
Healing Through The Savior: Addiction Recovery Program
Healing Through The Savior - KAIKOHE - Sunday 4 pm (Stake Centre)
Healing Through The Savior - KAIKOHE STAKE - Tuesday 7 pm (Kaitaia Chapel)
Healing Through The Savior - KAIKOHE STAKE - Thursday 7 pm (Moerewa Chapel)
HEALING THROUGH THE SAVIOUR Group, Sunday 7:00 pm (Online)
For any enquiries, please contact Brother Inamata on 022 357 9649