In this current environment our biggest challenge is to navigate the uncertainty and disruption Covid-19 brings. We are all affected in some way or another, however it is important to remember that how we are affected and how we respond to our circumstances varies from person to person. In saying that, given the complexity of the situation it is important that we do our best to intervene either for ourselves or for those around us. It is crucial that we follow the scriptural admonition to act and not be acted upon - 2 Nephi 10:23, even if your act is to ask for help. Therefore, the following resources designed specifically to respond to the covid-19 have been published, which can be found in the gospel library App and on the internet.
Gospel Library App
In the main page scroll down and click ‘life Help’; click ‘Mental Health’; click ‘General Principles’; click ‘Like a Broken Vessel’ scroll down to the heading Practice self-care click, ‘; click MENU (top right of page), then click ‘information and support’ (written in yellow), click Coronavirus, and navigate to various resources. (Also found here:
Public Webpage (NZ Specific)
Go to The brochures on the right side of the page are good and can be printed out.
Resources Related to Youth
Go to
Resources Related to Children and Parents
Go to for handy tips and resources.
Professional Help
Family Services have a list of identified non-member and member professional that can be accessed at:, click ‘Area Resources’; click ‘Family Services – Community Resources’; click ‘New Zealand’; then click the region related to you and navigated. Family Services is also available by contacting Paulo Bisogno at 021 679158 or email at
These are unprecedented times, yet I know the Lord is in complete control for He said, “Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments”.
Lets us trust the Lord and turn to the resources He has put in place for our benefit and wellbeing.