Family Services - Counseling Resources

Family playing

Please see below for a list of supported links relating to mental health, emotional self-reliance, same-sex attraction and other related services.

Community Resources

This resource list provides contact information to Bishops for available services within the community that clients can be directly referred to as an alternative to Family Services. View Resources.

Upward Reach

This website provides numerous articles and other resources to members of the Church who are wanting information about social, emotional, and mental health challenges. View website.

North Star

We are faith-affirming. North Star supports Latter-day Saint individuals and families concerned with sexual orientation or gender identity who seek to live in joy and harmony within their covenants, values, and beliefs as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. View website.

Mormon & Gay

God’s plan is perfect, even if our current understanding of His plan is not. Through the Savior Jesus Christ, we can find hope and healing despite life’s many challenges. Who Am I? How you define yourself may change throughout your life, but first and most important, you are a beloved child of God. View website.