Tessa Dewsbury
New Zealand
In February this year, I had the wonderful privilege of flying to Fiji for the rededication of the Suva Fiji Temple.
The cabin crew team leader on board our flight noticed I knew a number of other passengers and casually asked me if we were going to Fiji for a special event. That question opened the conversation to an easy discussion about temples and in particular, the rededication of the Suva Fiji Temple.
There in the aisle of the plane we stood close to each other and spoke of our love of travel and visiting beautiful churches in different parts of the world. There was no awkwardness as we spoke.
Handing me her business card, she asked me if I would send her some of my photos of the temple, which I happily agreed to do. I also sent her links to an online article where she could see internal shots of this magnificent house of the Lord, and learn more about the purpose of temples.
We’re in email contact now…my new friend and I, and already I’ve been able to send her links to some special Church videos.
I’m so thankful I can assist the Lord as He hastens His work of salvation – all I have to do is put my faith and trust in Him, open my mouth, and share the gospel with others.