The Perpetual Education Fund is available in Tonga, Samoa, Fiji and American Samoa. While Australia and New Zealand have lots of government resources those in the Islands could apply for a Returned Missionary Grant. President Hinckley prophesied that those who study will “become leaders in this great work in their native lands... (to) make it possible for the Church to expand its work across the world.” Ensign November 2001 pp 53-54
If you are working or your local institution doesn’t offer the courses you’d like to complete. Find out about online courses including BYU-Hawaii's ON-LINE courses. Online students should adhere to the BYU-Hawaii “Honour Code”, no matter where they study, to create a lifestyle where both spiritual learning and academic excellence can take place. In addition to the RM Grant and PEF (for those in the Islands) tuition assistance may be available for students studying at BYU-H online who are in need. Click here to find out more.
To apply to BYU-H please log onto to commence an application. Need assistance with BYU-H tuition costs? Find out about BYU-Hawaii's I-WORK program. Need help getting to BYU-H? For those in the islands who are in need there is also assistance to get to the campus with the BYUH-Travel Grant. Students of BYU-Hawaii adhere to “The Honor Code” to create an environment where both spiritual learning and academic excellence can take place. BYU-Hawaii President, Steven C. Wheelwright, said “The Honor Code is so that the Spirit of the Lord may be unrestrained in helping students learn truths revealed in the world today.”
For information pertaining to the BYU Hawaii Travel Grant, Returned Missionary Education Fund (Islands only) or P12 Primary & High School Assistance (Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands & Vanuatu) please email:
- 09 488 5476 (New Zealand Only)
- 11 Huron Street
- Takapuna North Shore
- New Zealand
For information pertaining to the Perpetual Education Fund, Womens Endowment Fund or Wilkinson Loan please email:
- 11 Huron Street
- Takapuna North Shore
- New Zealand