Welfare - Australia

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

The Service Centre Manager oversees the welfare function in Australia. He is assisted in this role by the Country Welfare Coordinator. This section provides contact information for Welfare and Employment Services.

Country Welfare Coordinator

The Country Welfare Coordinator provides welfare operations assistance and support to the Service Centre Manager with a particular focus on Humanitarian Projects and Emergency Response.

Welfare Operations

LDS Family Services

Provides support to LDS Family Services by providing training resources to Priesthood Leaders.

Humanitarian Services

Oversees humanitarian activities within Australia. Assists local Priesthood Leaders by providing training and 

Emergency Response

In conjunction with the Service Centre Manager, the Welfare Coordinator will assist in responding to emergencies within Australia.

He will provide support and coordinate efforts with priesthood leaders within affected areas. He is a member of the Service Centre Emergency Response Committee.

When invited he provides emergency response resources and training to priesthood and welfare leaders.