Local Life Help and Support

Safe to Talk sexual harm helpline

Call: 0800 044334,

or text: 4334,


Rape Crisis

Call: 0800 88 33 00


Women's Refuge

Call: 0800 733 843


Hey Bro helpline - (supporting men to be free from violence)

Call: 0800 HeyBro (439 276)


Family violence information line (to find out about local services or how to help someone else)

Call : 0800 456 450


Oranga Tamariki line (for concerns about children and young people)

Call: 0508 326 459


Need to talk? (free mental health support from a trained counsellor)

Call or text: 1737



Call: 0800 376 633, free text: 234,


Shakti (for migrant and refugee women)

Call: 0800 742 584 (24 hours)


Elder Abuse Helpline

Call: 0800 32 668 65 (24 hours), text: 5032, email: support@elderabuse.nz

Help Auckland

Call:0800 623 1700


Shine domestic abuse services

Call 0508 744 633 (24/7, live webchat also available at https://www.2shine.org.nz/get-help/helpline/)


The resources listed above are free and are staffed by people who are trained to help. These resources are not created, maintained, or controlled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

If you need further help to identify local resources, please contact your local New Zealand Family Services office for assistance.

Mobile: 021-679-158

Office: 0800-738-765